Women Clinic in Johannesburg. We Offer Pain Free Abortion

Women Clinics Johannesburg
Women Clinics Johannesburg

Women clinic in Johannesburg

Women clinic in Johannesburg offering same-day confidential medical abortion using the abortion Medication.

This is safe, pain free and medically approved.

We also provide free check ups after the termination, and free womb cleaning to ensure you have no complications or side-effects in the nearby future. And we also offer morning after Medications, pregnancy termination Medications, day after Medications and Medications for STL/STD (Sexually Transmitted infections/Sexually transmitted diseases) treatments.

How can I get my abortion pills faster?

We also deliver the abortion Medication, so you can order abortion Medication from one of our Women Clinics Johannesburg (abortion clinics) in Pretoria or Johannesburg if you wish to undertake a same day termination of pregnancy process in the comfort of your home.

We are proud of our reputation for being a private medical Abortions Clinic office that treats each patient with distinctive care and respect and our personal dedication to abortion services continues to ensure that women maintain the right and the opportunity to choose to have an abortion.

Our services are carried out by qualified doctors who make sure everything works out properly and confidentially.

Is this abortion pain-free and how safe it is?

We provide 100% pain-free safe medical abortion using the abortion Medication from the earliest the pregnancy can be performed, and we offer services to women from 1 week.

As a Women’s Abortion Clinic in Pretoria, Johannesburg, Tembisa, Durban, Port Elizabeth and other provinces.

We focus on providing safe abortions Medications, womb cleaning & termination of pregnancy Medications in South Africa and other parts of the world, we are one of the best Women’s Clinic using medical abortion Medications. Because we strictly governed by The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act No. 92 of 1996. So that all women have the right to a free abortion (termination of pregnancy).

We have offices through out South Africa with a team of professional medical experts with experience in women’s health.

One of our women’s health Clinic services that is popular due to the factor that we are a Safe legal Women’s Abortion Clinic specializing in medical abortion using recommended medications to terminate pregnancies.

The use of the abortion Medications to terminate pregnancy is less intrusive and you will experience the minimum amount of pain as compared to surgical abortion.

So a large number of patients feel relieved after having our medical abortion procedure using the abortion Medications.

Most of our clients feel that having an abortion is a very difficult decision – so we have realized this in most women we come across. The decision rests with an individual – you.

We invite you to browse through our website so that you can better understand the women’s health services we offer and also to order for abortion Medications in Pretoria, Johannesburg, Tembisa, Witbank, Nelspruit, President Park, Model Park, Benoni, Alberton, Peitermaritzburg plus other provinces.

As a woman clinics in Pretoria, Highveld Mall, Soweto our top most priority is that we offer medical services that will help in maintaining optimum health as woman.

At safe abortion jhb Clinic we try to provide as much patient education as we can provide to assist you along the way with your decision making and health care choices. Our Abortion Prices / Costs are reasonable so that even Students can afford them.

Come to safe abortion Abortion Clinic jhb, Randburg, Soshanguve today for our special services and for those in other provinces we can also help you just contact us now and we will send your directions to our nearby facilities so that you can be professionally assisted.

What you need to know about Safe abortions at women clinics Johannesburg

Terminating your pregnancy (abortion) is your legal right. Fox abortion clinic offers safe abortions for unwanted pregnancies up to 20 weeks. Our nurses and doctors are accredited professionals, sexual and reproductive healthcare. Our work is strictly governed by the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act (amended 2008), and we adhere to World Health Organisation Guidelines and protocols set out by Medstar womens clinic.

Find out more about Fox abortion clinic, South Africa’s leader in safe abortion and sexual health services here.

The reality is that ‘backstreet’ methods may lead to severe complications, infections causing prolonged absence from work. Permanent infertility and, in the most heart-breaking cases, even death. Please know that you never have to feel embarrassed about considering to have an abortion. It’s your legal right, and we are here for you, always.

95% of women don’t regret their decision when it comes to having a safe abortion

Termination of pregnancy: Procedures for safe abortions

A pregnancy can be terminated using either a medical or surgical process. The correct process for your termination will depend on the stage of your pregnancy as well as your preference. Marie Stopes South Africa offers both types of safe abortion procedures: Because you have the rights to choose which one you want.

The Medical Process at fox women clinics.

The medical process can only be used if you are less than 9 weeks pregnant. The abortion is performed by using a combination of two medications which work together to terminate the pregnancy. The first medication blocks the hormone called progesterone. Without progesterone the pregnancy will not be sustained. The second medication opens the cervix (mouth of the womb) and causes the uterus (womb) to contract. This will cause the pregnancy to be expelled. After you take the medication, the process is completed at home.

The process may be performed up to 20 weeks of pregnancy but is less complicated the earlier it is completed. You will be seen by a provider at one of our centres, who will examine you and may perform an ultrasound to confirm how far pregnant you are. You may be given medication to open the cervix (mouth of the womb). The procedure is then completed using a suction technique to remove the pregnancy. During your consultation, our nurses and doctors will recommend which safe abortion procedure is right for you. Fox abortion clinic prices are affordable and abortion clinics are located across South Africa.

Depending on the stage of pregnancy, abortion pills or other options may be the right choice for you.

Fox abortion Women Clinic Johannesburg offers two types of safe abortion procedures:

Medical abortion (a method for pregnancies up to 20 weeks) is accomplished by using a combination of two medications that work together to terminate a pregnancy.

The first pill stops your ovaries from producing the hormone, progesterone – which is needed for sustaining the pregnancy.

The second pill (taken 24 to 48 hours after the first pill) causes cramping and bleeding, which results in your uterus being emptied.
The Abortion Procedure (a minor same-day surgical procedure) at fox abortion clinic. Surgical abortion is commonly performed in the first trimester, (up to 12 weeks’ gestation period). It has a low risk when performed during this timeframe.

The procedure can also be performed when you’re in your second trimester (up to 20 weeks). However, the surgery is more complicated if undergone at this point.
Based on the gestation (stage of your pregnancy), our nurses and doctors will recommend what safe abortion procedure is right for you. Fox abortion clinic prices are affordable and abortion clinics are located across South Africa.

What is procedural Sedation?

What are the risks?
At women clinics Johannesburg the incidence of side effects with sedation are very rare and include unintended loss of consciousness, drowsiness, dizziness, shivering (4%), headaches (4%), and post sedation nausea & vomiting (0.7%)

If you become too drowsy, the effects will be reversed by the use of another medication.

You may experience a reduction in the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream, due to reduced breathing during sedation. Your breathing level will be monitored throughout the procedure.

You should inform the clinician about your medical history, including any medication you are taking. If you have any problems with having either general anaesthetic or sedation

Very rare risks: – Allergic reaction to the sedative drugs that you have been given
Safe abortion resources

Medstar abortion clinic offers safe abortion resources you need to feel better equipped for a safe abortion.

Find out how far along you are with your pregnancy with the icalculate online tool. This will help you understand your available safe abortion options. Alternatively, browse interesting articles on safe abortions and abortion clinics. Safe abortion pills South Africa, contraception and other insightful sexual and reproductive health matters here.

To view information on safe abortion south Africa click here

Side effects of an abortion

Planning on making an appointment for an abortion? Before proceeding with terminating a pregnancy find a safe abortion provider and be informed about the side effects of an abortion.

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